Literature and seminars
Rules for self-archiving
Bibliometric tools
- Bibliometrics
- Journal citation report
- Isiknowledge (general link)
- Isiknowledge from CNRS
-> web of science (bottom right) -> enter user ID SISUPR3346 and password - Isiknowledge (direct link from TUB)
- TUB Online-Datenbanken
- Google scholar
- H index (QuadSearch)
- AIAA Papers
- Aerospace Science and Technology
- Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
- Applied Mechanics Review
- Archives of Mechanics
- Fluid Dynamics Research
- Internal Journal of Mathematical Methods in Fluids
- International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Mathematics
- International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE)
- Journal of Advances in Physics (open source)
- Journal of Computational Physics
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Journal of Fluids and Structures
- Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
- Journal of Turbulence
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- Journal of Turbulence
- Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics Today
- Physical Reviews
- Physical Review Letters
- Physical Review E
- Physica D
- Physics Today
- Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Series A
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computation
- Universal Journal of Aerodynamics
- Universal Journal of Aeronautical Aerospace Sciences
- Universal Journal of Engineering Mechanics
- Universal Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Universal Journal of Non-linear Mechanics
- Other journals.
- Wiedza i Zycie (Science and Life)
- Wiedza i Zycie (Science and Life) [2nd html]
Selected Computing Centers, Libraries and Literature Databases
- Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum
- Database of the European Mathematical Society
- Universitätsbibliothek TU-Berlin
(Berlin -> Elektronische Zeitschriften -> Elektr. Zeitschriftenbibliothek) - Staatsbibliothek Berlin
- Disserations at our Institute
- PubMed (medical database)
- CTR ARB 2004
- Physics Nobel prices
- Abel prices
- Templeton Prize
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project
Local seminars
- PPRIME Seminar (Fluides)
- ISTA-Seminar
- SFB557-Seminar
- Numerik-Obserseminar
- Sea the future-Seminar
- Hausseminar des Instituts für Technische Akustik (-> Lehrveranstaltungen -> Hauskolloquium)
- Oberseminar Scientific Computing, FU Berlin